Classified Ad Submission

Classifieds Submission

(Free for Members) Please complete the following fields and then select Submit. Be sure to complete your contact information and any instructions regarding your submission. For non-association members, ads will run for 3 months following receipt of $50.00 payment. Your ad is available to 167 households in our community! Submit check for payment to: Raceway Farms Homeowners Association, P.O. Box 448, Newington, VA 22122-0448; or if you would like to pay online using a credit card, click here. You’ll need to fill out the ad form and submit it separately, before or after making payment. Ads are free for RFHA Members/Residents. If you have any problems with this form or online payments, email

Enter the Title, Ad Text, and the Date You Would Like Your Classified Ad Posted and then Removed
Be sure to include a phone number or email address so interested parties can reach you.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please Indicate Any Special Instructions Below